Join Us, Add Your Event and Share Your Story Buttons

Join Us Button You can add a "Join Us" button to any basic page, by adding [Join us button] to the content of the page (in that exact form - the code is case-sensitive). Note that the button links to the page with slug "join_us", and the screenshots below are from the About page.

Add Your Event and Share Your Story Buttons Very similar to the above, you can add an "Add Your Event" button or a "Share Your Story" button to any basic page, by adding [Add your event button] or [Share your story button]to the content of the page (again, in those exact forms). You can also add the Share Your Story button to Calendar or Event pages, in exactly the same way. Note that the buttons will link to the Add your Event form / the Share Your Story form once those are created. You can see current examples of these buttons on the Events page and the Champions page.

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