Adding Custom Shifts
This guide walks you through the steps to add custom shifts in NationBuilder for your event's specific roles/responsibilities, such as Booth Captain or Scrutineer.
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This guide walks you through the steps to add custom shifts in NationBuilder for your event's specific roles/responsibilities, such as Booth Captain or Scrutineer.
Last updated
In NationBuilder navigate to Your Event > Event Settings > Shifts.
Set Up Short-Duration Shifts:
Add up to four new shifts with a duration of exactly 1 minute each. For instance: 11:00 PM to 11:01 PM.
Note: This will act as a placeholder for your custom shift.
Create a New Basic Page for each Custom Shift Role and make sure to:
Name the page according to the specific role or responsibility the custom shift will represent (e.g., Booth Captain or Scrutineer).
Add a detailed description of the role or responsibility to the basic content of the page. For example:
Booth captains are responsible for the entire day's management of the booth. This includes set-up, pack-down, and contacting volunteers.
Scrutineers are responsible staying back after booths close and observing the counting of votes to ensure that electoral rules are followed.
Apply the tag Admin Custom Shift [N]
to the page you just created, where [N]
is a number (1 to 4) that corresponds to the number of the custom shift you are creating. For instance, for the first custom shift (Booth Captain), you would use Admin Custom Shift 1
, for the second (Scrutineer), Admin Custom Shift 2
, and so on.
Note: You can only have up to 4 custom shifts at any time.
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